Friday, July 25, 2014

manufactured by cw.

it's friday, friends! cheers!

what's a better weekend kickoff than reading a DIY/design post? in my opinion, not much [besides having a cocktail in hand]. here is the scoop on what's going on in my personal design life..

awhile back, it was verbalized I need a new place to call home for my water: book: pens: and lamp beside the bed. if you follow me on instagram [courtneywalker_], you may have noticed a few weeks ago some antique wood shopping taking place. can you see where I am headed with this? alas, new bedside tables to be manufactured by the hands of yours truly, with some design brainstorming and production from the beau. 

my room has an industrial/chic flair so we both have been searching for inspiration via boy pinterest Tapiture and Pinterest . here are a few pieces we are loving...




for our project, agreed upon materials include metal: wood: and glass. marble is up in the air.

i'm so excited about these pieces, I just had to share the preliminary plans on the blog, but promise to follow up with the finished product and our process. i'll leave you with pictures from our trip to Architectural Antiques in NW Indianapolis...

what fun plans do you have for the weekend? whatever it may be, enjoy! cw