Thursday, April 24, 2014

the list.

as i'm sitting here making to-do lists [notice the 's'], i am reminded that i have once again  neglected this poor little space of mine on the world wide web. what's new, folks? 

around here i'm not sure where the first four months of 2014 went. school: work: work II: and living life apparently took up my time. now may is upon us and maybe it's because the weather is finally beautiful or the spring flowers are blooming in louisville, but i'm feeling refreshed and inspired for the summer months ahead. as one of my new year's goals to finish projects on my house, i wanted to share specifics.

with the month of may already fully booked and planned, squeezing in time [and saving money] to start checking off these house to-do's will be a tough task, but i am up for the challenge and ready to share with you.

ready? here we go.

- fully finish landscaping project 2014 [recruiting my main squeeze for this!] 06.18.14
- finish the staircase
- paint all 1/4 round in my house [dreading! any volunteers?]
- paint office 06.29.14
- paint kitchen  05.07.14
- purchase and install light fixture for master bedroom 06.29.14
- purchase and install light fixture for office 05.06.14
- repaint upstairs landing
- paint touchups in master bathroom 06.17.14
- fully organize basement 

ah, home ownership.

if these things can be accomplished before july, i'll be the happiest gal on brown avenue. what projects do you have planned for summer 2014?

c.organized- cw